Emily Liang

My series is entitled Basic Emotion – Joy. Joy is one of the basic emotions, which is encoded into our genetics (ladder shape). According to the dictionary, it is "the emotion of great delight or happiness caused by something exceptionally good or satisfying." Emotions come from our brains. They begin here and transfer to our whole body to have different reactions through the nervous system. We will first be stimulated by something we see or feel. Then this stimulation (red round-tip cones) will evoke the emotion – joy (warm colour). After a few seconds, the emotion will transfer to mood and last longer. During this transaction, emotions may strengthen, diminish, or completely change. I use heat-shrink plastic paper and UV resin to form my necklace (what joy is?), armpiece (where the joy came from?) and the ring (how we experience joy?).


Yiqing Lai


Summer Lee